2016-03-22, 05:18 PM
(2016-03-22, 05:15 PM)Gerald napisał(a): [ -> ]Czy Jezus kazał Piotrowi ciąć?
To po co kazał brać miecze, skoro wiedział, że i tak go aresztują i skażą?? Na wszelki wypadek?
(2016-03-22, 05:15 PM)Gerald napisał(a): [ -> ]Czy Jezus kazał Piotrowi ciąć?
(2016-03-22, 04:56 PM)Konq napisał(a): [ -> ]A ja miałem na myśli to, że Jezus celowo kazał zabrać na te spotkanie miecze? Ergo: ma współudział w zadaniu cierpienia innemu człowiekowi.
(2016-03-22, 03:54 PM)gronostaj napisał(a): [ -> ]To chyba właśnie tak, jak z tym ostrym nożem. Lepiej, żeby [Piotr] nauczył się na odciętym uchu i przy Jezusie, który go skarci i naprawi, niż gdyby później rozpłatał człowieka na pół.
Tak czasem bywa, że trochę cierpienia teraz może zaoszczędzić więcej cierpienia później. Piotr popełnił błąd, wszyscy świadkowie dostali nauczkę, a zgraja zobaczyła świadectwo, że Jezus nie jest byle wywrotowcem. W dłuższej perspektywie suma szczęścia w narodzie się zwiększyła.
(2016-03-22, 05:23 PM)Konq napisał(a): [ -> ]@gronostaj
OK. Jeszcze raz.. Jezus każe sprzedać apostołom wszystko co mają i kupić miecze. Po co?
Cytat:Lecz teraz – mówił dalej – kto ma trzos, niech go weźmie; tak samo torbę; a kto nie ma, niech sprzeda swój płaszcz i niechaj kupi miecz! [Łk 22:36]
Cytat:There has been much difficulty in understanding why Jesus directed his disciples to arm themselves, as if it was his purpose to make a defense. It is certain that the spirit of his religion is against the use of the sword, and that it was not his purpose to defend himself against Judas. But it should be remembered that these directions about the purse, the scrip, and the sword were not made with reference to his “being taken” in the garden, but with reference “to their future life.” The time of the trial in Gethsemane was just at hand; nor was there “time” then, if no other reason existed, to go and make the purchase. It altogether refers to their future life. They were going into the midst of dangers. The country was infested with robbers and wild beasts. It was customary to go armed. He tells them of those dangers - of the necessity of being prepared in the usual way to meet them. This, then, is not to be considered as a specific, positive “command” to procure a sword, but an intimation that great dangers were before them; that their manner of life would be changed, and that they would need the provisions “appropriate to that kind of life.” The “common” preparation for that manner of life consisted in money, provisions, and arms; and he foretells them of that manner of life by giving them directions commonly understood to be appropriate to it. It amounts, then, to a “prediction” that they would soon leave the places which they had been accustomed to, and go into scenes of poverty, want, and danger, where they would feel the necessity of money, provisions, and the means of defense. All, therefore, that the passage justifies is:
1.That it is proper for people to provide beforehand for their wants, and for ministers and missionaries as well as any others.
2.That self-defense is lawful.
Men encompassed with danger may lawfully “defend” their lives. It does not prove that it is lawful to make “offensive” war on a nation or an individual.
(2016-03-22, 05:18 PM)Konq napisał(a): [ -> ](2016-03-22, 05:15 PM)Gerald napisał(a): [ -> ]Czy Jezus kazał Piotrowi ciąć?
To po co kazał brać miecze, skoro wiedział, że i tak go aresztują i skażą?? Na wszelki wypadek?
(2016-03-22, 05:48 PM)gronostaj napisał(a): [ -> ]Szczerze mówiąc, to nie mam dobrej odpowiedzi. Wiem, że Jezus potępił to, co zrobił Piotr. Ostatecznie nikt nie ucierpiał i pewnie zapobiegło to wielu głupim posunięciom w przyszłości. Mogę Ci zaoferować wyjaśnienie z komentarza Barnesa. Mnie nie do końca satysfakcjonuje, ale zawsze to jakieś spojrzenie na sprawę - może jest w tym trochę sensu.
Cytat:There has been much difficulty in understanding why Jesus directed his disciples to arm themselves, as if it was his purpose to make a defense. It is certain that the spirit of his religion is against the use of the sword, and that it was not his purpose to defend himself against Judas. But it should be remembered that these directions about the purse, the scrip, and the sword were not made with reference to his “being taken” in the garden, but with reference “to their future life.” The time of the trial in Gethsemane was just at hand; nor was there “time” then, if no other reason existed, to go and make the purchase. It altogether refers to their future life. They were going into the midst of dangers. The country was infested with robbers and wild beasts. It was customary to go armed. He tells them of those dangers - of the necessity of being prepared in the usual way to meet them. This, then, is not to be considered as a specific, positive “command” to procure a sword, but an intimation that great dangers were before them; that their manner of life would be changed, and that they would need the provisions “appropriate to that kind of life.” The “common” preparation for that manner of life consisted in money, provisions, and arms; and he foretells them of that manner of life by giving them directions commonly understood to be appropriate to it. It amounts, then, to a “prediction” that they would soon leave the places which they had been accustomed to, and go into scenes of poverty, want, and danger, where they would feel the necessity of money, provisions, and the means of defense. All, therefore, that the passage justifies is:
1.That it is proper for people to provide beforehand for their wants, and for ministers and missionaries as well as any others.
2.That self-defense is lawful.
Men encompassed with danger may lawfully “defend” their lives. It does not prove that it is lawful to make “offensive” war on a nation or an individual.
(2016-03-22, 05:23 PM)Konq napisał(a): [ -> ]Jezus każe sprzedać apostołom wszystko co mają i kupić miecze. Po co?
Wyjścia 12:11-12 napisał(a):Tak zaś spożywać go będziecie: biodra wasze będą przepasane, sandały na waszych nogach i laska w waszym ręku. Spożywać będziecie pośpiesznie, gdyż jest to Pascha na cześć Pana. Tej nocy przejdę przez Egipt, zabiję wszystko pierworodne w ziemi egipskiej, od człowieka aż po bydło, i odbędę sąd nad wszystkimi bogami Egiptu - Ja, Pan.
Łukasz 22:36 napisał(a):Lecz teraz – mówił dalej – kto ma trzos, niech go weźmie; tak samo torbę; a kto nie ma, niech sprzeda swój płaszcz i niechaj kupi miecz!